My program is based on the story of Balaam's donkey in Numbers and the donkey that Jesus rode on for the trimuphal entry into Jerusalem. I have all the scripture refrences from ESV and have written my own orignial children's stories to go with them. I have comprehension questions, mazes, and word search puzzles to go with each story. I have a fill in the blank sheet to go with the memory verses and memory verse activities & games. I have original pictures to use for cards to make your own concentration game. I have instructions for a craft activity for each day and suggestions for recreation activities. There are also original illustrations that I've drawn to use. I've even included a schedule that you may use. Some of the word searches and mazes were generated from computer programs but all pictures on them are original. I have included 2 color sheets that came from the internet.
Any one interested in this program can email me at I will be happy to answer any questions that you might have.
This is one of my illustrations for the program. I am not a trained artist nor have I sold any of my art work. I just try to serve the Lord with whatever gifts he gives me. This will give you an idea of my artwork.