This is the puppet skit that I wrote for Abraham for our Galveston mission trip. As with any of my original works, you may use them free for work with your children's ministry. Please give credit where credit is due by printing my name of web site with the materials. Use them for God's glory and for our Lord Jesus Christ.
(Backdrop of a desert with a mountain in the distance)
Narrator puppet: Abraham had listened to God years earlier when God told him to move to a new land. He and his wife, Sarah, had followed God’s plan. Now they lived in this new land and had a son named Isaac. They tried to do all that God told them. They tried to obey God.
(Abraham stands looking around at the audience when God talks from above.)
God: Abraham.
Abe: Yes? Here I am. (looks up)
God: Abraham
Abe: Is that You God? Are you talking to me?
God: Yes, Abraham. I have something for you to do. Take your son, Isaac, and go to the mountain called Moriah. There you will offer your son Isaac as a burnt offering.
Abe: Are you sure that’s what you want me to do, God?
God: Yes. Now go.
Abe: Ok. If you’re really sure.
(Change backdrop to one with the mountain close.
Abraham, Isaac, donkey and 2 male puppets walk across the stage; then back again. Stop at the mountain.)
Puppet man 1: Abraham, how much longer are we going to walk?
Puppet man 2: Yes. I’m tried. We’ve been walking for 3 days.
Abe: Well, sit down and rest now. We are here.
Isaac and I will go over there to worship God. (2 puppets & donkey drop down)
(Abe & Isaac walk to the other side of the stage where an altar is drawn on the backdrop. Abraham carries a torch, and a knife. Isaac carries wood.)
Isaac: Father, look. Here we have the wood and the fire but where is the lamb for the offering. (Isaac lays the wood by the picture of the altar.)
Abe: Isaac, here, lay down on the wood.
Isaac: What? (pause) Well Ok, Dad. Whatever you say. Where is the lamb?
Abe: The Lord will provide a lamb for the sacrifice.
(Abe raises his knife above Isaac.)
Angel of the Lord puppet: Abraham. Stop. Don’ hurt your son, who you love.
(Abe puts the knife down.)
Angel: God know that you will obey Him now since you were willing to give your son to Him.
Laamb in bushes: Baa, baa.
(Abraham walks t the lamb and brings it back to the altar.
Isaac gets up and stands beside Abraham. Abraham lays the lam on top of the wood.)
Abe: We will call this place “the Lord will Provide” because God provides the lamb for sacrifice.
(Other puppets and donkey pop back up where they were before.
Abraham and Isaac walk back to the other puppets & donkey. They all leave together.)
Group leader:
Review questions:
1. Who talked to Abraham? God
2. What did God want Abraham to do for him? Take Isaac to Mt. Moriah to be sacrificed. The children probably won’t get this just right but anything along that line & leader can add to it as necessary.
3. How long did it take them to get to the mountain? 3 days
4. What things did Abraham and Isaac take to the altar? Torch/fire, wood, and knife
5. What animal did God give them to sacrifice? A lamb or sheep
6. Who provided a lamb for the sacrifice? God
7. Did God really want Abraham to kill Isaac? No. God wanted to see if Abraham would obey Him.
God provided a lamb for Abraham to use for the burnt offering. Did you know that God always provides for us? Does any of you know of a way that God has provided for you or your family? (Allow children time to tell about something. If no responses, then you tell about a time God provided for you & your family.)
How many of you have ever done something wrong? Maybe you didn’t do what your mama or daddy told you to do or maybe you didn’t tell the truth about something. Have you ever had a fight with someone? Those things are wrong to do. When we do wrong things, that’s called a sin. God loves all of us. He loves each one of you but God doesn’t love sin. When you do something wrong and your mama or daddy finds out, you get in trouble, don’t you? You get punished. Just like God provided a lamb for Abraham to sacrifice instead of Isaac, God has provided someone to take our punishment for us. God’s son, Jesus, came to earth and died on a cross to pay the price for our sin. Jesus died. He was buried in a tomb, a kind of grave, and after 3 days, Jesus rose from the dead and walked on earth. Jesus took the punishment for sin so that we don’t have to. All we have to do is to tell Jesus that we believe that he died for our sins. We ask him to come live in our hearts. When we ask him, he will live with us forever and ever. God will always provide for the things that we need. (Ask if anyone has any questions or if anyone would like to talk to someone about asking Jesus into his or her heart.)
Abraham and Isaac
Genesis 21-22
Narrator puppet: Abraham had listened to God years earlier when God told him to move to a new land. He and his wife, Sarah, had followed God’s plan. Now they lived in this new land and had a son named Isaac. They tried to do all that God told them. They tried to obey God.
(Abraham stands looking around at the audience when God talks from above.)
God: Abraham.
Abe: Yes? Here I am. (looks up)
God: Abraham
Abe: Is that You God? Are you talking to me?
God: Yes, Abraham. I have something for you to do. Take your son, Isaac, and go to the mountain called Moriah. There you will offer your son Isaac as a burnt offering.
Abe: Are you sure that’s what you want me to do, God?
God: Yes. Now go.
Abe: Ok. If you’re really sure.
(Change backdrop to one with the mountain close.
Abraham, Isaac, donkey and 2 male puppets walk across the stage; then back again. Stop at the mountain.)
Puppet man 1: Abraham, how much longer are we going to walk?
Puppet man 2: Yes. I’m tried. We’ve been walking for 3 days.
Abe: Well, sit down and rest now. We are here.
Isaac and I will go over there to worship God. (2 puppets & donkey drop down)
(Abe & Isaac walk to the other side of the stage where an altar is drawn on the backdrop. Abraham carries a torch, and a knife. Isaac carries wood.)
Isaac: Father, look. Here we have the wood and the fire but where is the lamb for the offering. (Isaac lays the wood by the picture of the altar.)
Abe: Isaac, here, lay down on the wood.
Isaac: What? (pause) Well Ok, Dad. Whatever you say. Where is the lamb?
Abe: The Lord will provide a lamb for the sacrifice.
(Abe raises his knife above Isaac.)
Angel of the Lord puppet: Abraham. Stop. Don’ hurt your son, who you love.
(Abe puts the knife down.)
Angel: God know that you will obey Him now since you were willing to give your son to Him.
Laamb in bushes: Baa, baa.
(Abraham walks t the lamb and brings it back to the altar.
Isaac gets up and stands beside Abraham. Abraham lays the lam on top of the wood.)
Abe: We will call this place “the Lord will Provide” because God provides the lamb for sacrifice.
(Other puppets and donkey pop back up where they were before.
Abraham and Isaac walk back to the other puppets & donkey. They all leave together.)
Group leader:
Review questions:
1. Who talked to Abraham? God
2. What did God want Abraham to do for him? Take Isaac to Mt. Moriah to be sacrificed. The children probably won’t get this just right but anything along that line & leader can add to it as necessary.
3. How long did it take them to get to the mountain? 3 days
4. What things did Abraham and Isaac take to the altar? Torch/fire, wood, and knife
5. What animal did God give them to sacrifice? A lamb or sheep
6. Who provided a lamb for the sacrifice? God
7. Did God really want Abraham to kill Isaac? No. God wanted to see if Abraham would obey Him.
God provided a lamb for Abraham to use for the burnt offering. Did you know that God always provides for us? Does any of you know of a way that God has provided for you or your family? (Allow children time to tell about something. If no responses, then you tell about a time God provided for you & your family.)
How many of you have ever done something wrong? Maybe you didn’t do what your mama or daddy told you to do or maybe you didn’t tell the truth about something. Have you ever had a fight with someone? Those things are wrong to do. When we do wrong things, that’s called a sin. God loves all of us. He loves each one of you but God doesn’t love sin. When you do something wrong and your mama or daddy finds out, you get in trouble, don’t you? You get punished. Just like God provided a lamb for Abraham to sacrifice instead of Isaac, God has provided someone to take our punishment for us. God’s son, Jesus, came to earth and died on a cross to pay the price for our sin. Jesus died. He was buried in a tomb, a kind of grave, and after 3 days, Jesus rose from the dead and walked on earth. Jesus took the punishment for sin so that we don’t have to. All we have to do is to tell Jesus that we believe that he died for our sins. We ask him to come live in our hearts. When we ask him, he will live with us forever and ever. God will always provide for the things that we need. (Ask if anyone has any questions or if anyone would like to talk to someone about asking Jesus into his or her heart.)
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