My Sweeties

My Sweeties
My 3 Sweeties--David, Jack & Jill

Friday, August 2, 2013

Noah and the Flood puppet skit

I went to Galveston with our area Baptist association in June on our annual mission trip. Our street camps were lots of fun. We had a group this year who wanted to do puppet shows, so I wrote up the puppet skits to go with the scriptures we were using. This one is the story of Noah and the flood.

This picture is from They have lots more pictures that you can use.

Noah & the Flood
From Genesis 6-8
Narrator or puppet 1: Yesterday we saw how God created the earth and people. The first people were named Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve had children and then they had children and on and on. There started being more and more people on the earth.
(3 or 4 puppets walk around)
The people started doing bad things, taking things others, fighting over things and doing other bad and evil things. God looked at the way the people were acting and He was sorry that He had made man on earth. Then God saw Noah. (Noah puppet comes on scene.)
Two puppets start talking:
Puppet 2: Look over there. There’s Noah. He thinks he’s so good!
Puppet 3: Yeah, he goes around praying to God and helping other people all the time. What’s with that?
Puppet 2(sarcastic) : Hey, Noah. What you doing? Talking to God again?
(Noah ignores them and prays to God. Puppets 2 & 3 leave. Noah’s wife puppet comes up to Noah.)
Noah: Wife, God has told me He’s going to get rid of all the creatures He made on earth. No one is listening to Him or doing what He wants them to.
Wife: Oh no. We try to do what God says. What will we do?
Noah: Don’t worry, wife. God told me He would take care of us because we have followed Him. He told me to build an ark.
Wife: An ark? What’s an ark?
Noah: It’s a great big boat. God has told me exactly how to make it. I will need you and our sons to help me.
(Noah starts building the ark. Need picture/backdrop of a partially finished boat.)
Shem (Noah’s son) carries wood/sticks on stage: Hey dad. Where do you want me to put this lumber?
Noah: Lay it down on the other side of the boat. (Shem goes off stage with wood, comes back with other family members to work on boat, at least one more puppet to work on ark.)
Puppets 2 & 3 come on stage laughing and pointing at Noah and the boat.
Puppet 2:(laughing) Ha, ha, ha. Would you look at Noah. He’s got his whole family building a boat.
Puppet 3: Well, that’s just plain crazy since we’re a long way from any river! (both laugh) Ha, ha, ha.
Puppet 2: Hey, Noah, how are you going to get that boat to the river? You don’t have any wheels! Ha, ha, ha. (both laugh as they walk away)
(Noah shakes his head and keeps working.
Change backdrop to show a finished boat.)
Noah talks to his family (wife & 2 or 3 other puppets):
Noah: Ok, now that the ark is finished, we’ve got to start filling it with hay, feed and other food for animals. God is going to send 2 of every kind of animal to get on the boat with us. We’ve got a big job to do.
(Family puppets shake heads in agreement)
Shem: Ok, Dad.
Wife: Let’s all get busy now. There’s lots of work for everyone.
(puppets look like they are bringing hay, feed sacks, etc to boat.)
(Animal puppets start coming. Start them walking from one side of stage towards the boat and then off stage, like they are getting on ark.)
Noah: We’re all here now. Let’s get on the ark and close it up now. It’s going to start raining soon.
(Change backdrop to rainy background. Water prop starts rising like it’s beginning to flood)
Puppets 2 & 3(frantic): Hey Noah, Let us in! We can’t swim.
Noah(from above or top of boat or behind backdrop): I’m sorry. You should have listened when God tried to talk to you.
(Puppets 2 & 3 slowly sink down but don’t make this too dramatic. This is for children. Water continues to rise.)
(From off stage/on the boat we hear Noah, wife & Shem talking. Have the water prop moving back and forth to show the boat is moving with the water.)
Shem: Dad, how much longer is it going to rain?
Wife: Yes, Noah. Did God tell you how long?
Noah: It shouldn’t be much longer It’s been almost 40 days and 40 nights now.
(Backdrop changes from rain to sunshine. Water sinks back below stage level. A rainbow shows across the entire stage above the ark.
Animals and Noah & family leave the boat. Animal puppets walk across stage looking around as they go and then off stage.)
Noah talks to wife and family:
Noah: Look at the rainbow. That is the sign of God’s promise that He will never again destroy the whole earth by a flood. (All puppets leave stage.)
Group leader now talks to children and asks questions. Allow children a chance to answer.
1.Why did God want to destroy all of the people and animals that He had created? (they had become evil/ did bad things)
2. Why was God not going to destroy Noah & his family? (Noah was a good man who honored God. He was righteous. Children may not know what righteous means.)
3. How did the people treat Noah and his family as they were building the ark/boat? (They laughed at them and made fun of them.)
4. Who did Noah take on the ark? (his family and 2 of every animal. Actually, he took 7 of the clean animals but you probably won’t have time to explain the difference in clean and unclean animals)
5. How long did it rain? (40 days and 40 nights)
6. What did God send as a sign that He would not destroy the earth by flood again? (a rainbow)
God does not like evil or bad things that people do but He does love people. Because He loves people, God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to earth to save us. Jesus never sinned or did any bad things but some of the people were afraid. Because they were afraid, they had Jesus killed by hanging Him on a cross until He died. They buried him in a tomb, a kind of grave, but on the third day Jesus was raised from the dead and he walked on earth again. Later he rose into heaven where he lives to this day. Even though Jesus never did anything bad, he let them hang him on the cross because he love all of us. He loves you and he love me. He died on the cross to pay the price for our sin. Just like the people of Noah’s time sinned and did bad things, we all sin. Jesus loved us enough that he paid the price of death on the cross so that we don’t have to die. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, then we can live in heaven with him forever when it is our time.

As with any of my original Bible stories, plays, etc., you are free to use this in your children's ministry. Just please give credit where credit is due. Do not use or print my items without my name or web site. Thank you.

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